Books & CDs

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Published Books

By: Pastor Vicki

freedom's ministries booksWho’s Using Your Tongue?

Offers an amazing insight into the language of the spirit realm, where you will discover common words and phrases used by different evil spirits as they deceive us into speaking destruction into our own lives and the lives of others. You will learn the power of words, both spoken and heard, and ways to stay out of the enemy’s trap. Includes powerful and effective prayers that will help you overcome the effects of the lies of hell and move into the destiny God has for you.

For a gift of $15

counterfeit kingdom book coverThe Counterfeit Kingdom

A false principality with a powerless king

How can you tell the difference between a counterfeit and the real God, if you do not know the real God? The book is divided into three parts: I. The Great I AM II. The Great I WILL. III. Walking out of Darkness

Out of Stock
Funds are needed to reprint this book

book coverFreedom is For Such a Time As Now

Will take you on an exciting journey through God’s Word to discover His heart on the matter of deliverance. You will learn and grow in understanding of Kingdom living as shackles of spiritual bondage begin to break! Includes many prayers to help you on your way to freedom. Order your copy today.

For a gift of $10

The thursday gift book coverThe Thursday Gift

“Jerry White was not an echo, but a voice in the kingdom. He never desired to be upfront and didn’t worry if he was not known. He just wanted to see people free from the lies they believed for way too long.His Jerry-ism were a great way to confront he lies and give people hope for their lives” Deon Vanstaden Pastor

For a gift of $10

where the river flows book coverWhere The River Flows

Will lead you on a journey to discover that you are a beloved child of God. You will come to understand the misguided thinking and lies from Satan that hinder your fulfillment. Let this book guide you in prayerful reflection to embrace your true worth in Christ.

For a gift of $15


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Four Areas of Satan’s Legal Right to Hold Curses in Place in our Lives

There is no power in evil outside our agreement with it, and so the devil deceives us into agreement. If you want to fully understand why generational curses are not automatically removed when we become born again, or the meaning of associational sin and the results it can cause, this series will be valuable to you. It also explores and explains personal sin from the aspect of Biblical curses, and the stings of witchcraft, and how to overcome all curses. 6 CD set includes:

  1. Presents an overview of the series and how Satan takes any disagreement with God as an agreement with him. Explains associational sin, what it is, how we fall into it and how to get out of it. Deliverance from Biblical curses brought through associational sin.
  2. Answers the question, “What is a curse?” and reveals the balance between God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility. Names many Biblical curses resulting from personal sin. Deliverance from word curses and Biblical curses names in this teaching.
  3. Explains generational sin and how the sins of our fathers affect us as Christians. Looks at Biblical examples and curses of generational sin. Answers the question, “What is the gap?’ and reveals God’s heart on “standing in the gap.” Deliverance from generational curses and familiar spirits.
  4. Continues to explore and explain the many Biblical curses named in the Word, so that we do NOT do the unrighteous thing. Shows how our words and actions affect others and not just ourselves. Deliverance from the sins that result from going our own way.
  5. Who are the anointed of God? What makes an object cursed? Examples of cursed objects and deliverance from the curses attached. Connection between rebellion and witchcraft. Definitions of witchcraft and incantation, and why witches have power. Explanation of Christian witchcraft.
  6. Satanic ritual and “limbo” – brief descriptions for better understanding. The “stings” (progression or indications) of witchcraft. Examples of Christian witchcraft prayers. Deliverance from the stings of witchcraft.

For a gift of $30

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Understanding the Book of Revelation

This is an in-depth study of John’s revelation of the end of the age, and although there are 18 CDs to date, the study is not yet completed. Here is an overview of each teaching:

  1. Studies Christ’s appearing and the question of the rapture.
  2. Addresses how to read Biblical prophecy.
  3. Explains Daniel’s 70th week prophecy.
  4. Addresses the timeline of God’s Kingdom on earth.
  5. Addresses the 1000-year reign of Christ and the time of tribulation.
  6. Begins a verse by verse study with Rev. 1:1-6.
  7. Continues verse by verse study with Rev. 1:7-15
  8. Continues verse by verse study with Rev. 1:16-20
  9. Continues verse by verse study with Rev. 2:1-11
  10. Continues verse by verse study with Rev. 2:12-29
  11. Continues verse by verse study with Rev. 3:1-13
  12. Continues verse by verse study with Rev. 3:14-22
  13. Continues verse by verse study with Rev. 4:1-4
  14. Continues verse by verse study with Rev. 4:5-7
  15. Continues verse by verse w/ Rev. 4:8-11 & 5:1-4
  16. Continues verse by verse study with Rev. 5:5-7
  17. Continues verse by verse study with Rev. 5:8-14
  18. Continues verse by verse study with Rev. 6:1-2

For a Gift of $45

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Basic of Health and Healing

This 6 CD set is an  foundational to understanding how body, soul and spirit are connected. It explains sickness is a curse that doesn’t just “happen,” and gives insight into reversing the curses that affect us as Christians. The set includes:

  1. Pathways to Healing and Health
  2. Sin and Spirit World Realities
  3. Pattern of Sin
  4. Separation
  5. The Father’s Love
  6. Position in Christianity

For a gift of $25

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The Faith Series Part Three – Faith 201

The final set of 5 CDs in the Faith Series ties everything together and enforces the truth about faith.
Topics include:

  1. The authority of the believer.
  2. The seed of faith. Hindrances to faith.
  3. Releasing the power of faith.
  4. Important things to know about God’s faith. Applying God’s faith.
  5. Having faith in our faith. Standing in patience.

For a gift of $20

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How to Answer Hard Questions

This set includes seven different teachings on 10 CDs. The information is foundational to who we are in Christ and gives clear answers you can use to advance the Kingdom of God. Includes:

  1. The Word – answers the question, “How can I believe the Bible is the Word of God and not man?”
  2. Repentance from Dead Works – answers the question, “What are dead works, and what is repentance?”
  3. Faith Toward God – answers the question, “What is faith and how do I direct it?”
  4. Doctrine of Baptisms – answers the question, “Is there really more than one baptism? What are they and why do I need them?”
  5. Laying on of Hands – answers the question, “What is the authority in laying on of hands and who has it?”
  6. Resurrection from the dead – answers the question, “When am I resurrected and what does that look like?”
  7. Eternal Judgment – answers the question, “What happens at the judgment seat of Christ and what about people who never heard the gospel?”

For a gift of $35


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Keys to Kingdom Living

This 5 CD set teaches you how to turn God’s promise into benefits and brings clarity into the eight attitudes Jesus named which cause a person to be blessed. It explains what is the joy and peace of the Lord that surpasses all understanding. The set includes the following:

  1. Keys to Kingdom Living – Faith
  2. Keys to Kingdom Living – Righteousness
  3. Keys to Kingdom Living – Attitudes
  4. Keys to Kingdom Living – Joy
  5. Keys to Kingdom Living – Peace

For a gift of $20

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Defeating Satan's Greatest Weapon

This 9-CD set is a powerful study of how Satan uses shame to steal the identity of God’s people, and how we overcome the lies of his greatest weapon.
Topics include:

  1. Indicators of shame
  2. Common needs of people and door points of shame
  3. Characteristics of shame-bound people
  4. Family dysfunction and societal shame
  5. Cultural shame and shame in the church
  6. Corporate and national shame, and four expressions of grace
  7. Practical ways to overcome a shame-based false identity
  8. Correcting warped thinking and wrong views of God
  9. Accepting truth and affirming our true identity

For a gift of $35


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The Faith Series Part One – Faith 101

The first 5 CDs in the Faith Series cover a variety of truths concerning faith, and will provide fresh revelation to help you discover and grow the faith within you.
Topics include:

  1. The marriage of belief and action. Does faith have a “who?” What is NOW faith? What does faith say? Faith and works connected.
  2. How does faith work? Who does faith work for? How does faith grow?
  3. The force of faith. What is the measure of faith in a believer? What should we confess? Taking dominion through faith.
  4. Faith vs Reasoning. Dominate the law of death. Activating angels. Five confessions we must make.
  5. Faith that pleases God. The seed of Abraham. What Abraham found.

For a gift of $20


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Developing Godly Relationships

This 4-CD set gives clear understanding of conveying a message of honor, resolving relational conflicts, how relational messages affect calling, and becoming an initiator of blessing. Improve your marriage, friendships and family ties through the wisdom in these CDs.

For a gift of $20


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Reclaiming and Restoring the Land

What gives demons “squatters rights” to hang out in a certain area? Are there things in your home that go “bump in the night?” Can an object be cursed and bring a curse into your home? This series will help you rid your home and land of all demonic influence. Includes prayers for every room in your home. 3 CD set.

For a gift of $10


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Overcoming Leviathan

Explains the spirit of Leviathan and how it works to keep us out of God’s will. Overcoming evil must first begin with recognizing it!
2 CD set

For a gift of $10


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Vicki’s Testimony

The woman at the well had nothing on Pastor Vicki! Hear how God rescued her from self-destruction and turned her life completely around. Testimonies of healing and deliverance are included. Testimony actually means “do it again, God!” What He did for Vicki, He will do for you if you’ll receive it! Recorded live on teleconference. 2 CD set

For a gift of $10


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Keys to Kingdom Living – The Constitution of the Kingdom of God

On 2 CDs, find out and understand 17 specific directives Jesus named in His “Sermon on the Mount” which make up the founding principles of our Christian walk.

For a gift of $10


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Understanding Occultism

What is occultic? What makes a modality, practice, or object occult? Includes deliverance prayer.
2 CD set

For a gift of $10


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Would You Rather be RIGHT or FREE

This 2 CD set explores and explains our role in the Body of Christ, and how to become free of offense and trusted by God to carry His glory. Gives a clear picture of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and how to stop eating it!

For a gift of $10


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Learning to Hear God’s Voice

(Minister Teressa Reynolds) 2 CD Set
Instruction in hearing God’s voice and the basics in developing your prophetic gifting.

For a gift of $10

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Covenants in Communion

New insights into the romance of God and His love for us. A true blessing that will cause you to embrace our God in communion.

For a gift of $5


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Seeking the Healer

Do you love God and are living right, but still don’t see the manifestation of your healing? Perhaps this is your answer!

For a gift of $5

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Faith for Healing

Scriptures on healing from Genesis to Revelation, read by Pastors Jerry and Vicki White of Freedom’s Way Ministries. Voices are laid over instrumental prophetic worship music by Paster Steve Bartolomeo of Lord of the Harvest Church in Boston.

For a gift of $5


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The Lord’s Prayer

Totally awesome insight into every line of what we know as the Lord’s Prayer. A depth in meaning and revelation generally untaught in the church today. You will never approach these words as a rote prayer again!

For a gift of $5

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Freedom from Addictive Spirits

Releasing God’s children from the strongholds of addiction. Understand why addictive spirits have a legal right to take up residence. Remove the right and evict them!

For a gift of $5


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Who are the Overcomers?

There is a Bride within the church! Not everyone will rule and reign with Christ. This teaching shows how the believer becomes the overcomer. 2 CD set

For a gift of $5

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Closing Doors

Describes the many areas where believers open the door to evil, even unknowingly, and includes deliverance prayer to close those doors.

For a gift of $5


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It’s My Choice

Awesome revelatory discussion and message brought forth by the Holy Spirit. There is a balance between God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility. This CD explains it.

For a gift of $5

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The Destruction of Envy and Jealousy

Tells the difference between envy, jealousy and covetousness. Explains how to recognize these spirits and get them out of your life.

For a gift of $5


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Antichrist Unloving Spirits

Exposes all the SELF stuff that hinders your walk with God and your usefulness in His Kingdom. Deliverance prayer aids in getting rid of these evil spirits.

For a gift of $5

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Overcoming Fear

Fear is a spirit, and it is not of God. This teaching will help free you from fear and develop a deeper trust in your Father God and His overcoming power and strength.

For a gift of $5


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The Godhead in Scripture

A fresh revelation that will help you better understand who’s who in the Godhead through scripture, and how to recognize the different functions and administrations of God the Father, God the Word (our Lord Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit.

For a gift of $5


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Defeating the Spirit of Rejection

Explains why rejection – receiving it or projecting it toward others – is a sin, and how to overcome the spirit of rejection that opens the door to other evil spirits and keeps Christians defeated in their everyday lives, ruins relationships, and creates physical problems.

For a gift of $5


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Spiritual Authority of Women

This teaching is vital to the understanding of a woman’s spiritual place in the Kingdom of God and clearly explains what “covering” looks like. MEN are set free by this revelation to be priests in the home, properly guiding the spiritual strength of their wives and daughters. Also explains how witches are made.

For a gift of $5

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True Identity

Do we really know and understand who we are? This CD will give you a new perspective on your place and power in the Kingdom of God.

For a gift of $5

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Changing our Religious Mindset

We’ve been taught legalism in many ways, but the thing missing from legalism is LOVE. God’s not in it! If you want to move from religion to relationship, listen to this.

For a gift of $5

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5 Aspects of Pride that move from Satan’s Heart and into Ours

In order to separate ourselves from the nature of Satan, we must recognize five aspects of pride and how they’ve invaded our own hearts. This is a simple message that brings great truth that will set you free of pride, and revelation to keep you out of it.

For a gift of $5


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Trees of Righteousness

What does it mean to be a tree of righteousness, the planting of the Lord? This teaching gives examples of different trees in the Bible and how they symbolize the life of believers. What kind of tree are you? Find out.

For a gift of $5

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Wells of God

The Lord wants us to flow with His living water, bringing refreshing and healing to all around us. Learn who you are as a well of God!

For a gift of $5


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The Spirit of Bitterness

This evil stronghold is the number one block to healing. This CD explains bitterness and how it affects your life, as well as revealing the progression of bitterness through seven “underling” spirits that hold bitterness in place.

For a gift of $5


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Jerry’s Testimony

Testimony actually means, “Do it again, God!” Pastor Jerry White is a walking miracle, to the glory of God. Hear how God snatched him from the jaws of death and supernaturally sustains him today! Think you had a rough childhood? Look what the Lord has done! What He did for Jerry, He will do for you if you’ll receive it! Recorded live on teleconference.

For a gift of $5


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Arresting Accusation

Clearly shows how the spirit of accusation works in and through Christians, and provides deliverance from it.

For a gift of $5

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Surviving the Holidays (Minister Teresa Reynolds)

Scriptural answers to stress, discouragement and depression.

For a gift of $5

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The Spirit of Python

If you’ve felt oppressed, as if a cloud of darkness is over you so you are unable to move freely in the things of God, perhaps python is working in your life. Includes deliverance prayer against all religious spirits

For a gift of $5


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Defeating the Spirit of Rejection

Explains why rejection – receiving it or projecting it toward others – is a sin, and how to overcome the spirit of rejection that opens the door to other evil spirits and keeps Christians defeated in their everyday lives, ruins relationships, and creates physical problems.

For a gift of $5


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The Spirit of Bitterness

This evil stronghold is the number one block to healing. This CD explains bitterness and how it affects your life, as well as revealing the progression of bitterness through seven “underling” spirits that hold bitterness in place.

For a gift of $5


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Freemasonry – Sin or Social Club?

Shows the truth about Freemasonry, its root and its fruit, so that believers can make an informed decision about this controversy in the church.

For a gift of $5


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Avoiding the Stings of Witchcraft

The message exposes the wiles of the devil and how he deceives us, even in our prayer life! Shows what witchcraft is, and how to use our spiritual authority to deflect its arrows.

For a gift of $5

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Glory of God

Learn how to humbly, yet confidently, exhibit God’s glory, so the world sees HIM and not you!

For a gift of $5

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Mouse in the House

Why are there so many different views of deliverance, and so much controversy in the Body of Christ about demons? This word from the Lord gives the insight we need to move forward and fulfill our purpose in God.

For a gift of $5


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You Can Praise Your Way Through Anything!

God can’t work with what you don’t have, and what you can’t do. This two-CD set helps you learn how to bring God something He can respond to… PRAISE! Gain insight and understanding of 17 different Hebrew and Greek words meaning “praise” of one kind or another.

For a gift of $5

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Spiritual Deception in the Church

Jesus defeated Satan in four areas, covering every aspect of our lives… sin, sickness, poverty and death; yet the enemy continues his deception in all these aspects. The devil has instilled his doctrine into the church, and in order to remove it, you have to be able to recognize it. This set of four CDs of the areas of spiritual deception – SIN, SICKNESS, POVERTY and DEATH – exposes the lies of hell which are taught by religion, and compares them to the truth of the Word of God.

For a gift of $5